How Stix Asia’s New UX Led to Happier Customers and More Foot Traffic
Case Study
Stix Asia
UX Sweep

How Stix Asia’s New UX Led to Happier Customers and More Foot Traffic

This case study shows how optimizing Stix Asia’s user experience, website, and on-site operations increased foot traffic, improved customer satisfaction, and reduced negative reviews.

Stix Asia
Artifact Type
UX Sweep
August 2023
Live Project
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A Case Study on the Road to Improvement


Stix Asia, a premier food hall in Waikiki, Hawaii, was facing significant business challenges despite their established brand identity, website, and social media presence. Their main issues were a disconnect between marketing efforts and actual foot traffic, customer confusion about the location, and frustrating on-site experiences like parking and bathroom access. Negative reviews were piling up, and restaurant tenants felt the pressure of low sales.


We partnered with Stix Asia to solve these UX challenges by enhancing their website, creating smoother customer journeys, and addressing customer pain points that were negatively affecting their reputation.


  • Primary Goal: Resolve customer confusion and frustration to boost foot traffic and improve sales conversions.
  • Secondary Goal: Enhance Stix Asia’s online presence to match their culinary experience and maintain engagement.


Social media became a critical area for improvement, as we worked to align online messaging with on-site reality, especially in how the food hall was perceived by both locals and tourists.

The Critical Flaws in Stix Asia’s User Experience

Despite having an attractive website and strong social media presence, Stix Asia was losing potential customers at multiple touchpoints due to serious UX failures. Their over-reliance on Instagram as a marketing tool was not enough to address more practical issues affecting user satisfaction.

Key UX Problems:

  • Customer Confusion About Location: Visitors had a hard time finding the food hall, as the website lacked clear directions. This wasn’t a minor inconvenience—people were giving up entirely and leaving negative reviews online.
  • Parking Frustrations: Parking information, a critical factor in busy areas like Waikiki, was either missing or hard to find on the website. This led to additional confusion and drop-offs from potential visitors.
  • Inconsistent Messaging: Social media campaigns attracted customers, but once on-site, they faced strict bathroom access policies and unclear directions, which contradicted the welcoming, accessible image presented online.

These UX issues weren’t just frustrating—they were actively driving customers away, and worse, alienating the very audience that Stix Asia’s marketing efforts had worked to bring in.

Overhauling Stix Asia’s Website for Better Navigation and Usability

To address these critical failures, we focused on a website redesign that tackled the user journey from the moment visitors landed on the page. The key was to make the customer experience simple and friction-free, starting with clear navigation and vital information easily accessible.

Key Improvements:

  • Interactive Navbar & Map: We redesigned the navigation with a direct link to a map showing Stix Asia’s location, addressing one of the major frustrations of customers who couldn’t find the venue.
  • Modal Pop-Up for Parking: A modal pop-up was added to display relevant parking information within seconds of a visitor landing on the page. This intuitive design helped customers quickly understand their parking options without the hassle of hunting for the info.
  • Hero Section Transformation: We replaced the outdated looping video in the hero section with a dynamic carousel of food offerings, making it instantly clear what Stix Asia was about—delicious, eclectic Asian cuisine.

These changes directly responded to the gaps that were causing customer churn and negative reviews.

Addressing Key On-Site Frustrations: Parking and Bathroom Access

While the digital fixes helped smooth the online journey, in-person issues remained a significant problem for Stix Asia. Many of these frustrations stemmed from parking confusion and unclear bathroom policies. Customers attracted by Stix Asia’s online presence arrived to find obstacles, which led to negative reviews on Yelp and Google Business.

In-Person UX Issues:

  • Parking Woes: The lack of upfront parking details was a major deterrent for people planning to visit. If customers struggled to figure out where to park, they simply left before ever stepping inside the food hall.
  • Bathroom Access Confusion: Strict bathroom policies that required purchases before use weren’t clearly communicated, frustrating tourists who expected easier access. This mismatch between policy and customer expectation led to even more negative reviews.

Our Solution:By clearly communicating parking and bathroom policies on the website and in-person, we removed these barriers. This small but critical fix reduced frustrations and set clearer expectations, leading to fewer negative reviews and a smoother customer journey from online to on-site.

Building a Scalable CMS and Enhancing Social Media

To ensure future growth and continued improvement, we also focused on backend CMS setup and enhancing Stix Asia’s social media strategy. Previously, the team struggled to engage with their audience on multiple platforms and relied too heavily on Instagram without fully addressing customer pain points.

Backend CMS for Content:

  • We implemented a user-friendly CMS that allowed Stix Asia’s team to update their blog easily, focusing on niche content like culinary stories and cultural insights. This empowered the in-house team to keep their content fresh and relevant without needing technical expertise.

Enhanced Social Media Strategy:

  • We shifted their social media focus to include more practical customer engagement, such as highlight stories for restaurant tenants and AI-designed educational graphics. These posts tied directly to blog content, creating a cohesive content marketing strategy that engaged users both online and in-person.

This strategy ensured that their online presence wasn’t just about attracting new visitors but also nurturing ongoing relationships with returning customers.

The Results: Turning Frustration into Foot Traffic

Our collaboration delivered tangible improvements for Stix Asia. By focusing on UX and addressing customer frustrations, we turned the tide on negative feedback and helped boost both foot traffic and sales.

Key Results:

  • Easier Navigation: Clearer directions, interactive maps, and better parking information reduced the customer confusion that had been driving negative reviews.
  • Improved Foot Traffic: By making it easier for customers to locate the food hall and addressing their pain points, we saw an increase in visitors and conversions.
  • Fewer Negative Reviews: With the major frustrations addressed, Stix Asia saw a significant reduction in complaints on platforms like Yelp and Google Business.

Our UX improvements and strategic fixes not only boosted their online engagement but also translated directly into better customer experiences and more sales.

Final Takeaways

The key lesson from Stix Asia’s journey is that poor UX can sabotage even the best marketing efforts. Customers were lost due to basic usability issues, and quick marketing wins on Instagram couldn’t mask the underlying problems. By focusing on improving the user experience and addressing root customer frustrations, we helped transform their business.

If you’re facing similar issues, don’t overlook the importance of UX in your customer’s journey. Contact us to learn how we can help you solve your business challenges and set you on a path to growth.

Checkout Stix Asia

Randall Libramonte

Multi-Media Creator

I'm a Hawai'i-based multi-media creator that provides local businesses with tech and creative design solutions for optimal brand and business growth.