How Regal Foods' New Website Took Fundraising to the Next Level
Case Study
Regal Foods

How Regal Foods' New Website Took Fundraising to the Next Level

We revamped Regal Foods' website and brand identity, delivering a scalable, user-friendly platform that boosts their school fundraising success and positions them as a trusted leader in the industry.

Regal Foods
Artifact Type
March 2024
Live Project
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Modernizing Regal Foods: A Digital Transformation for School Fundraising Success


Regal Foods, known for their popular fundraising snacks like breads and cookies, approached us with a website that was outdated and didn’t represent the vibrant, trusted brand they had built in Hawaii. With new management at the helm, they recognized that a modern, scalable website could help them connect more efficiently with schools, increase brand awareness, and strengthen their position in the fundraising industry.


We completely overhauled their website on Webflow, focusing on a clean, professional design that showcased their products and supported their representatives. The new site was built to be scalable, easy to manage, and visually appealing, with an emphasis on user experience (UX) and functionality.


  • Primary Goal: Redesign Regal Foods' website to be modern, engaging, and user-friendly.
  • Secondary Goal: Turn the website into an effective sales tool for representatives to use in school fundraising pitches.


We revamped Regal Foods’ outdated logo, restoring it with a fresh, high-resolution version to align with their updated website and brand identity.

Building a Modern, Functional Website on Webflow

Regal Foods needed a website that could keep up with their evolving business goals, especially in light of the recent management change. We selected Webflow as the ideal platform to create a website that was not only visually appealing but also scalable and easy to manage.

Key Features:

  • Scalable CMS: Webflow’s CMS capabilities ensured that Regal Foods’ team could easily update product listings and site content, helping them stay agile and responsive to changes.
  • Clean, Modern Design: Moving away from the outdated, “scammy” look, the new website adopted a clean, professional, and trustworthy design that reflected the company’s long-standing reputation in Hawaii.

This redesign laid the foundation for a stronger digital presence, making it easy for visitors to navigate, learn about the company’s offerings, and engage with their fundraising programs.

Showcasing the Food Menu with High-Quality Visuals

The food menu was a critical element of the website redesign. We focused on making the menu easy to navigate, with high-quality photos of Regal Foods' popular snacks, ensuring that visitors could practically taste the products through their screens.

Menu Enhancements:

  • Visually Engaging: Each product had clear, high-resolution photos alongside descriptions, creating an inviting experience for users.
  • User-Friendly Navigation: The menu was designed to be intuitive, allowing users to quickly find and explore Regal Foods’ fundraising options.

These visual and navigational improvements enhanced the user experience, helping to convert more visitors into leads and clients.

Turning the Website into a Sales Tool

Beyond aesthetics, the redesigned website now serves as an essential marketing tool for Regal Foods’ representatives. With a clean, professional interface, the site provides a reliable resource that representatives can confidently use during school visits to pitch their fundraising programs.

Sales-Driven Features:

  • Effective Call-to-Actions (CTAs): Strategically placed CTAs guided users to take action, whether it was learning more about the programs or submitting an inquiry form.
  • Simplified Inquiry Form: The streamlined fundraising inquiry form made it easy for potential clients to get in touch and start conversations, supporting the lead generation process.

This transformation into a functional sales tool helped Regal Foods representatives present the company’s offerings more confidently and effectively.

Revitalizing the Brand with a Modern Logo

In addition to the website, we took on the task of restoring Regal Foods’ old, pixelated logo, giving it a modern refresh. The new high-resolution logo was designed to complement the clean, professional aesthetic of the website, reinforcing their brand identity in the digital age.

Logo Restoration:

  • Consistency Across Platforms: The updated logo aligned with the website’s design, maintaining a cohesive brand identity across all touchpoints.
  • Brand Authority: A polished logo helped establish authority and trust, making Regal Foods appear more reliable and professional to both new and returning clients.

The refreshed branding played a key role in helping Regal Foods reclaim their position as a leader in the school fundraising space.

Ongoing Brand Awareness Efforts

Our collaboration didn’t end with the website redesign. We continue to work closely with Regal Foods to build brand awareness and engagement in their target markets.

Ongoing Initiatives:

  • Animated Marketing Materials: We are creating engaging animated materials for both students and teachers, helping them understand the value of Regal Foods’ fundraising programs.
  • Community Engagement: By focusing on creating educational content for the community, Regal Foods is solidifying their position as a trusted partner in school fundraising.

These efforts ensure that Regal Foods remains top-of-mind for schools and fundraising coordinators, supporting the company’s growth and community involvement.

Final Takeaways: Transforming a Digital Footprint for Growth

The transformation of Regal Foods’ online presence demonstrates the importance of having a modern, scalable website that not only enhances user experience but also serves as a functional sales tool. By updating their outdated website and logo, we helped Regal Foods establish a stronger brand identity and improve their lead generation capabilities.

If you’re looking to elevate your brand’s digital footprint, whether you’re a small business or a restaurant owner, a modern website can be the key to achieving your business goals. Contact us today to learn how we can help you transform your online presence.

Get a Website like Regal Foods

Randall Libramonte

Multi-Media Creator

I'm a Hawai'i-based multi-media creator that provides local businesses with tech and creative design solutions for optimal brand and business growth.